Empower Your Sports Dreams

The platform to directly connect with professional teams, players and coaches from all over the world. We provide career opportunities for talented individuals in the sports industry.

Several sports are large in some countries, but not as big in others, thus the talent far exceed the spots available at top level clubs.

Join Online Sports Talents to showcase your skills to clubs and associations beyond your local scene, giving you opportunities that span continents.

You are among one of the first 1000 to sign up. In return, enjoy our service for free, forever!

Athlete - Explore your sports talent with Online Sports Talent!

Welcome to the platform where your sports dreams may take off.

Our mission is threefold:

  • Share Your Story
    Your journey as an athlete is a story important to tell. Your story like you want to tell it - through Online Sports Talents you can do just that. Let others see your talent and journey, conveyed through your best video clips and testimonials. Your story is a powerful tool that showcases your dedication, passion, and talent, thus exposing your unique abilities before clubs and scouts.
    We assist you in presenting your sports talent to professional clubs and colleges and to support these organizations in discovering exceptional talents like yours.
    Our platform acts as a conduit, facilitating direct communication between you and the interested parties, free from any interference by Online Sports Talents.
  • Connect with Clubs and Associations Worldwide
    Ever dreamt of showcasing your skills to clubs and associations beyond your local scene? Online Sports Talents isn't just a platform; it's your bridge to a global sports network. Our platform propels your talent onto the radar of international teams, giving you opportunities that span continents. Imagine being able to connect with clubs and associations, not just in your region, but around the world. Let your talent be seen by the right people, no matter where they are.
  • We Grow, Together We Thrive
    Online Sports Talents is a platform under construction, for the love of sport and dreams of athletes. We're committed to improvement, and you're an integral part of this journey. The more you engage and share your experience on socials, the stronger the platform becomes for everyone. So – share Online Sports Talents as much as possible. And the more Online Sports Talents will be important for clubs. Sometimes you will experience flaws when we build out the site. Rest sure that we do it on purpose to make the platform better. During our initial phase, our services are absolutely free. However, once we reach a certain threshold, we will establish a fair pricing structure based on the value that Online Sports Talents brings to the table. For all 1000 first movers this service is free forever.
  • Contracts
    If you get a contract – we charge nothing. This is between you and the club / organization. Take a look at a sample contract - here (In english - from the Danish Basketball Federation)


Every sport is unique and we start with Basketball. But our aspirations are to expand into icehockey, handball – and more pending.


Why Choose Online Sports Talents?


You can present your talent to clubs all over the World – most likely in Europe, without a contract with an agent. Upload of your full sports history, written, testimonials and videos and get your talent verified by the coaches and others who worked with you. You don't end up with an agent who have too many athletes, making you a fish in the pond - and take a salary cut.


You dont have an agent who can negotiate terms for you. The club might have the upper hand when negotiating a contract and salary. Take in factors like: lenght of contract, conditions and accommodation as these are often not straight forward. Clubs are in economic contraints as well.


You get an opportunity to carry on with the sport you have invested so much effords in, maybe while experiencing other countries or regions. You might have more talent than your college or club has been able to spot or develop, thus become a professional player and might even return to your home top leagues.


If your talent develop further you have to be careful not to have signed an unfavorable contract. When you don't have an agent, you might end up with a lower salary or a weaker club. You will have to seek expertice when you sign a contract.

Teams/Organizations - Online Sports Talents supports you in building competitive teams!

Welcome to Online Sports Talents
Where Clubs Discover Hidden Talents.

At Online Sports Talents, we're dedicated to changing the way clubs discover hidden exceptional talents. Talents you might not have been part of the drafting processes or left over. Our platform is designed with one goal in mind: to connect clubs with sports talents that have the potential to make a difference, without an agent or middleman thus giving you access to unknown and possible big talents.

Why Choose Online Sports Talents?

  • Hidden Potential - Explore untapped talents from your sport. Our initial focus on prominent sports ensures you access a pool of exceptional athletes who are eager to elevate your team's performance. And we know, that many areas have excess talents who cannot get a professional career locally. Ex. all the college basketball players in US who are not drafted to NBA or farm leagues – or high school players you cannot get into colleges for different reasons – or want to make a salary instead of a no pay in colleges.

Largest sports Online Sports Talents are planning to open:

  • Basketball - A sport with an abundance of exceptional talent in North America, which also holds promising opportunities in Europe. Dive into the sea of exceptional talents from North America, where extraordinary potential awaits.
  • Icehockey - Tap into the immense talent pool found in North America and the Baltic Sea region. Strengthen your team with individuals at a very heigh level.
  • Handball - The Scandinavian countries are renowned for their surplus of exceptional handball talents ready to take on a new challenge in a foreign country. Handball is expanding fast internationally and economically and is an Olympic sport

How We Make It Happen:

  • Diverse Talent Pool
    Our platform offers a curated selection of talents in your sport - and with less importance for you across various sports, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your team's needs. But the more success for Online Sports Talents in more sports this will attract more talents to every sport we are going to open.
  • Verified Profiles
    Every talent on our platform undergoes a verification process powered by artificial intelligence (AI) as possible, without violating the European GDPR rules. Rest assured, you're connecting with athletes who possess the skills and dedication your team need.
  • OnlineSportsAgent is the seamless Communication
    Connect directly with talents. Our platform facilitates smooth communication, allowing you to explore potential collaborations without intermediaries from agents or middlemen, neither the expensive fees. Online Sports Talents is the agent !

How We Make It Happen:

Online Sports Talents is a platform under construction, for the love of sport and dreams of athletes. And to support the clubs in building competitive teams. We're committed to improvement, but sometimes you will experience flaws when we build out the site. Rest sure that we do it on purpose to make the platform better. During our initial phase, our services are absolutely free. However, once we reach a certain threshold, we will establish a fair pricing structure based on the value that Online Sports Talents brings to the table.

For all clubs or organizations this service is free for 6 months. After this this Online Sports Talents might charge a low fee based on the value Online Sports Talents is building. And if you sign on a sports talent we charge nothing.

Frequently asked questions

What is Online Sports Talents?

Online Sports Talents is a startup that aims to offer a platform connecting sports talents, clubs, and organizations, providing career opportunities for talented individuals in the sports industry.

Who is the target audience for Online Sports Talents?

Online Sports Talents's target audience includes excess talents just below professional level, talents in niche sports, and talented individuals seeking career opportunities in other countries or regions.

Which sports are focused on by Online Sports Talents?

Online Sports Talents focuses on sports such as basketball, ice hockey and handball. These sports have a surplus of talent in specific regions and offer career opportunities in other countries or regions.

What are the future prospects for Online Sports Talents?

Online Sports Talents plans to expand its reach by including sports like cycling, volunteers for sports events, and sports talents specific for colleges in North America. This expansion will provide more opportunities for talents and clubs.

How does Online Sports Talents select participants?

Online Sports Talents follows international rules on gender inclusivity and talent verification. The selection process ensures fairness and equal opportunities for all participants.

What are the talent categories on Online Sports Talents?

Online Sports Talents has three categories: verified developed talents, verified talents under development, and unverified talents under development. Each category represents different levels of talent and opportunities for growth.

What information is common to fill in on Online Sports Talents?

All athletes on Online Sports Talents need to provide information such as their sport, gender, name, date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd), email, talent level, verification and references, future goals, and any additional relevant details for their profile.

Is Online Sports Talents limited to a specific region or country?

No, Online Sports Talents is not limited to a specific region or country. It aims to provide opportunities for talented individuals in various countries and regions, allowing them to connect with clubs and organizations globally.

Our Team

We breath sports! So much that it is incorporated in both our professional life and spare time.

Email Us.

  • Troels Troelsen

    MSc. Econ & Co-Founder

    Troels is a lifelong sportsman a.o. 3 World Master Champion Titles in 400m hurdles. Former: President of the Danish Track & Field Federation, the Marketing Commission under World Athletics, the Danish OG elite committee under the LOC and associate professor at Copenhagen Business School in Sports Economics - probably the most quoted sports economist. Chairing or member of several company boards in Denmark and part of 4 IPO's.

  • Thomas Damsgaard

    MSc. Manu, BSc. Sports Science & Co-Founder

    Thomas has been lifting weights and doing board sports i.e. skateboard, snowboard etc, since he was a little kid. Working as a chiropractor while coding this site.